Category 1: Essential Supplements
1. A Potent Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Formula with Extra Calcium & Vitamin E
They are essential to insure that our body will operate at maximum efficiency. On a very simplistic level, without vitamins and minerals it would be impossible to covert the food that we eat into hormones, tissues and energy.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that improves your immune system and helps you recover faster from your workouts by suppressing the amount of cortisol (hormone that kills muscle and aids in the accumulation of fat) that is released by your body during a workout.
3. Meal Replacement Powders containing Whey Protein & Pure Whey Protein Powders
Because of hectic schedules it is impossible to eat the five perfectly balanced meals a day that are required to help us get in shape. Therefore, these supplements can be used as "fast food".
4. Fish Body Oil Capsules or Flax Seed Oil
Category 2: Performance Enhancing Supplements
1. Creatine: A Nutrient that enhances the ability of the body to hold water inside the muscle cell (not outside where it would make you look bloated); thereby increasing your body’s ability to lift heavier weights and recover faster between sets and training sessions. It also increases your definition and your pumps when you go to the gym. There is some research that indicates that it may also help you burn fat.
2. Glutamine: The most abundant amino acid in the muscle cell. Glutamine produces a strong anti-catabolic effect (muscle preserving) in the body and there is research that indicates that it also helps strengthen the immune system and helps increase growth hormone levels.